Select [Beauty / Health]

1. Health Apps 504 view 0 res Beauty / Health 2022/05/10 01:33
Hakodate City has released an application for health promotion.
2. Vaccinated" badge 414 view 0 res Beauty / Health 2021/08/12 04:54
They are talking about the badges that have been vaccinated in Sapporo City.
There are six different designs.
3. Cluster in call centers 1k view 1 res Beauty / Health 2021/07/03 05:46
Even with the partitions, the call center seems to be easily transferable. We wish those infected a speedy recovery.
4. Support for vaccination appointments at mobile sto... 483 view 0 res Beauty / Health 2021/06/15 10:47
They will be able to assist you in filling out an online reservation with docomo, au, UQ, and Softbank. Don't forget to bring your own phone and call in advance to make a reservation.
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